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Summer Yoga at Wrigley and Gallagher Way

Summer 2018. What. Is. Up.

What are your plans?! Have you made any yet?!? Getting some fresh lakeside air?!?

I have this plan, that I'm a little late in sharing. I'm leading FREE yoga all summer, outdoors, at Gallagher Way (formerly known as The Park at Wrigley). This free fitness series includes a variety of workouts and instructors every weekday morning. I hope you check everyone out, and extra plus much hope you'll check out Vinyasa Yoga with me every Thursday at 7am. Sneak on by before work, start the day right with some movement and some sunshine, and grab a discounted coffee and donut at West Town Bakery.

For more info on the full schedule and instructors, plus a link to register, CLICK HERE

Look how much fun we've been having already:

And while we're chatting about Wrigley, I'd love to shout out a special event I had the honor of co-leading. We gathered ON THE FIELD of Wrigley Field - truly the most magnificent grass my feet have ever touched - for another morning yoga practice. One of the keepers of the ivy even shared small clippings with us teachers - MIND. BLOWN. If I can tell you a secret: I'd only been to Wrigley Field one time before this, and it was for a Paul McCartney concert rather than baseball. But standing on that field with so many yogis who are also huge Cubs fans was a reminder of the extraordinary history of Wrigley and everything that's happened there. What a delight to have this history right in our Lakeview neighborhood.

I hope I see you outside this summer :)

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